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Thursday, September 28, 2017

How to Manifest Your Destiny: They Way to Set Up Your Dream

September 28, 2017 Posted by Khmer Buzz No comments

Mental Notes On How To Manifest Your Destiny!

At this point I’m sure I’ve got you convinced. You deserve the job of your dreams. In order to approach these opportunities and make them a reality, there are three components to keep in mind:

1. Display expectations for yourself, and the company

Check out resources such as LinkedIn to research the expectations for the job you are pitching for. Research the job descriptions for a grade or two above your skill set. See what goals you need to work towards and which skills you need to improve.
Explain the progression you would like to see in yourself, and how your progression will benefit the future of the company. Self-reflection is very important to employers, so be transparent about which skills you need to improve upon that can also improve the company.

2. Understand competitions the company is facing

In order to understand what the company needs, you need to know what they’re competition is doing. Is it working for them? Could you advance those ideas and make them your own?
Show them that you know which issues they are facing, and suggest strategies to solve these issues. Offer your skills and explain how they will give them a new edge in this growing market.

3. Don’t just tell them what you can do, show them.

Prepare a portfolio of your previous projects to show off your capabilities and experience. After explaining what you have done, tell them your plans for the future. What are you doing to enhance your skills? What could have been improved in previous projects?

If you show that you are actively improving your skill set, prospective employers can expect that your skills will improve their business plan.


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